Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Flirting With 40

I have to give a shout out to my sister-in-law who recommended this book to me. It was a great read...not just easy but worthy in theme and spirit.

It's not because of the romance...ok, admittedly the character of Kai does make your toes tingle. It's not all about the fact that she fell in love with Hawaii although to date it has been my most favorite place I have ever travelled. It's not totally because she is divorced and therefore, I can relate to her on that level because I surely can. I think it is mostly about the fact that she is a single mom with a domineering ex and a guilt ridden life. She doesn't realize how she is caught up in the rollercoaster of life but also cannot enjoy it because she doesn't know how. She is in a life she never wanted and does not know how to enjoy any of the wonderful things that life has to offer. When she meets Kai on the beaches of Hawaii he helps her to see that life is as difficult as we make it...nothing more and nothing less.

The book is a wonderful transformation of a confused soul brought back from a life that she hated to a life she never knew existed.

I give this book an A+ not only for the pure enjoyment factor but because when I finished it, I realized that I, too, needed to retool my own life and am looking forward to the challenge.

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