Monday, November 12, 2007

Going Back in Time

I ran into this blog post that made me laugh hysterically.

Then I realized I could add a few 70's pictures of my own ...except these pictures are real...they are of me and my brothers. I really can understand now why we were picked on as kids. These clothes were originally from Zayre's (pre-Walmart store).

This is my brother getting an award circa 1976. And that suit actually was one of the better looking ones.

Big belts and crazy arrows...

Then there was the matter of dressing alike. I am not sure what that was about but it seemed to have been a trend back then...But at this point we were still young enough for it to be cute.

But then it developed into a sickness...

That followed us on vacation...

And to the beach.....

And every Christmas...


After year...

My mom even tried to get me in on the act...

It seemed to have never ended as we grew up...

But fortunately for us it did and I am happy to report that my brothers no longer dress alike.

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