This was a pretty good week at the Grocery Game. I feel I did fairly well considering my "need" list was a bit bigger due to the Thanksgiving dinner needs. Although I tried my best to prepare for it, I still had a few leftover items.
For example, I was able to stockpile cranberry sauce (buy one get one free) last week at CVS and a few weeks ago I stockpiled white potatoes (.49 lb at Winn Dixie). I also stockpiled some frozen veggies, onions, spices, rolls, and bags of stuffing. The only need items I had left were sweet potatoes, mushrooms, milk, and the turkey.
A lot of items landed on my blue list which means more stockpiling opportunities. I am getting to the point where I am fairly well stocked on everything which means no more need stuff and I will only be shopping at rock bottom prices.
My retail grocery bill this week was $150 but my out of pocket spending ended up at $81 (almost 50% savings which is awesome). That leaves me with $19 for CVS today and I will easily hit that budget because of all the stockpile items and extra care buck offerings this week and my rolling extra bucks from last week.
This game is so much fun and if you want more information on how to join go here. They offer a $1 trial period which MORE than pays for itself and if you do join for the long haul (which I highly recommend because the nominal fee really pays for itself with the grocery savings) please give them my email address so I get a referral fee. My email address is mill2542 at bellsouth DOT net.
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