Sunday, May 22, 2011

Big Week Ahead

Today starts a week that is sure to be one for the memory banquet, graduation rehearsals, cap and gown pictures, and then the graduation mass and ceremony on Friday.

This past weekend I made sure I stocked up on enough tissues to last me. Little did I know that I would already go through one box just today alone.

It's funny how life comes around. I was thinking back when I graduated high school and watched my mom cry the whole week long. And then when my mom and dad dropped me off at college. My dad would later tell me that my mother cried the entire 4 hour drive home. I brushed it off and never really grasped that fact other than it was just my mom being "mom". And then whenever I came home from college, my mom would act like it was the first time she had seen me in years. She would hug me and seem to never want to let me go. Of course I hugged her back because I loved her so dearly and I had missed her too.

So life is coming around to me because I am now where my mom was back then. My oldest son is graduating high school and getting ready for college and I find myself crying at every waking moment...always making excuses that my contact lenses are bothering my eyes and that's why they are red. I stare a lot at the ceiling hoping and praying that the lessons I have taught over the past 18 years were good enough. I now truly understand what my mom was feeling back then. I really, really do.

My only regret is that my mom is no longer here with me so I can share in this with her. So I can ask her how she got through it and so that she could help talk me through this time in my life that we now share as mothers.

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