Thursday, April 3, 2008

Strange Coincidence

I walked into my princess' preschool yesterday to pick her up and I noticed a sign on her classroom door for her upcoming preschool graduation. It was the first news coming out regarding the date. I can't believe this day is quickly approaching. She has grown and learned so much. She is so totally prepared for school and I am so pleased with the choices that we made to place her in the preschool that she is in. I moved down to see the date of the ceremony and after party.

June 6, 2008

I didn't have to look at my calendar to recognize the date. My heart sank. I remember that I have prepared myself to be sad on this day. You see this day will be the 10th anniversary of the death of my mom. Even though I try to ignore this day every year that it comes, it is tough. This year I promised myself I would be sad on this day. Now I have to rethink my strategy because it will be a wonderfully happy day for my little girl and my family all of whom were too young to remember the date or not around to even know her.

Maybe that was God's plan. Maybe there is a tie there that is way beyond my understanding. My mom never knew my princess. But somehow they are now tied together in a bittersweet way. Maybe this was God's way of allowing me to be happy on this day. God sure does work in mysterious ways, doesn't he?

For now I will follow His plan and be happy on this day. I think that is what my mom would have wanted.

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