Saturday, August 4, 2012

Running to a Goal

April 26, 2012 will be a day that will go down in my history book.  It was the day that I found out that I was selected to run in the 2012 New York City marathon.  I remember my exact reaction when the hubster checked our entry status...pure shock and disbelief.  In fact I didn't believe him at first.  I slowly walked over to the computer and looked and sure enough it was true. 

I never really had a huge desire to run a marathon. I had run the Disney half marathon in 2008 to accomplish a goal and that was fine with me.  In fact I documented my journey here.  But early this year the hubster wanted to enter both of us in the NYC marathon just to "see if we got selected."  Thinking that since hundreds of thousands of people enter the lottery and only a fraction of that get picked I was sure my name would not come up.

But it did.  The hubster's name did not.

Immediately I felt very mixed.  I felt bad that he didn't get in and I did.  I felt nervous and scared. What the hell did I know about running a marathon. Sure I have gone 13.1 miles before but 26.2 is an entirely different story. 

At the end of the acceptance letter was a disclaimer.  If you didn't want to do it you could reject the offer.  You could also defer to next year.  I read that and hubster asked me if I wanted to exercise either option.  That was not going to be an option.  I took the challenge.

And so I am in and I will document my journey here and here.  Feel free to join in to see how a 46 year old mother of 4 with very little spare time can get herself in marathon shape by November 4th.  Should be a lot of fun.

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