I listen to XM7 a lot in my car...why not? I was born in 1965 and though pretty young to remember 60s music I do recall some of it on the little AM radio in my Mom's 1966 Dodge Dart. Even though I've upgraded from the little AM radio to XM satelite radio the music is still the same. It's timeless and precious to me. The songs I listen to from back then are folksy and meaningful and speak to a simple way of life.
...I've looked at life from both sides now from win and lose and still somehow, it's life's illusions I recall, I really don't know life at all...
Good ole Judy Collins singing about angel hair, clouds, ice cream castles, and feathered canyons. What did she mean by that? What was she thinking? Was it that deep or was she just on a drug high when she wrote that song?
...Moons and Junes and ferris wheels the dizzy dancing way you feel...
I don't really know what she was thinking. But I do know it is a classic song that will always stand the test of time. When I listen to it on my ipod I think of life back then and how magical it all seemed. My childhood filled with love and family. The world was turbulent back then but I was innocent to it all. My world was all about Sesame Street and the Electric Company. It was all about playing hide and seek with my brothers. It was about having my best friend over my house to listen to 45s on my little battery operated record player. It was about not having air conditioning and never really caring about it. I don't remember worrying that money was so tight that we lived bare bones.
...Tears and fears and feeling proud, to say "I love you" right out loud...
I was busy listening to my records and playing Barbies and dreaming of what I wanted to do when I grew up. I was busy coloring in my coloring books and working hard to stay in the lines. We had one black and white TV. There were no such things as computers or internet or cell phones or electronic games. There were no distractions. For fun we went outside and played on the swing set or stayed inside and made forts with dominos.
...Dreams and schemes and circus crowds, I've looked at life that way...
Those were some great times. So thank you to Judy and all of those 60s and 70s artists that help me to remember old memories that bring a smile to my face every time.